Valtria is an international company specializing in the design and construction of clean rooms. Valtria is a pioneer in its field and a valued partner. Valtria's customers consist of the pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, microelectronics, space industry, chemical industry, food industry, universities, research institutes, hospitals, etc. all over the world. Valtria supplies its customers with use-ready cleanrooms, including design, implementation, measurements, validations and maintenance.
The Valtria group has been operating in Finland for a long time through its subsidiary Valtria Swiss AG, and in the spring of 2021 Valtria has established a subsidiary in Finland.
We are now looking for a person to join Valtria as the new
Cleanroom Designer
for a permanent position, to work in the interesting world of cleanroom construction projects. Valtria is growing fast in Finland, and has many interesting projects already going, and also starting in the near future. The new Designer will work in Finland, but as part of Valtria's international design team, whose other members work from Spain for different countries including Italy, Switzerland, etc. The person selected for this position will primarily work on projects in Finland, but secondarily also on projects located elsewhere in Europe. Valtria Finland's office is located in Aviapolis in Vantaa, where a few Finnish colleagues work. Remote working is supported.
Valtria works in cleanroom construction projects either as main- or subcontractor, depending on the situation. Valtria is comprehensively responsible for the design and construction of clean rooms. Elements and devices to be installed include e.g., wall, door and floor solutions, ventilation equipment, electricity, automation, cooling, heating, sanitation, gases, gas detectors, compressed air, vacuum, clean water, neutralization, central vacuum cleaners, etc. There are designated responsible persons for different technical areas.
The tasks of the designer will be:
- Preparation of execution plans for projects
- Planning and dimensioning of installations in consultation with the project manager and according to professional training and experience
- Make measurements and site visits if necessary
- Insert TAGs for the field elements and update lists
- Create dimension and parts lists of the installations and elements from the plans
- Update plans in consultation with Project Manager and Site Manager and provide asbuilt documentation for handover to clients.
As a Designer, you will not work only with the Project Managers, Site Managers and with your fellow- designing team, but also with parties outside of the company, for example customers and suppliers. You will report to the Head of Production.
We are looking for a person with both suitable education and working experience from HVAC/mechanical/industrial plant- designing. You should also have experience in project work, installation planning, BIM- methodology, and working with CAD- and REVIT MEP software. Fluency in English is mandatory for the position, knowledge of Finnish and German is useful. As an employee, you should be independent, cooperative, accurate and goal-oriented; you should also have availability to make occasional and short trips to Switzerland, Spain, and other countries in Europe.
Why should you apply to Valtria?
Working at Valtria means that you get to join an international and successful organization that is growing strong in Finland. Valtria is a benchmark company operating at the top of its field, which is present in more than 10 countries and has more than 20 years of experience. Valtria invests in building long-lasting trust relationships with customers operating in critical sectors. At Valtria, you have the opportunity to develop your own skills and build a career in cleanrooms both in Finland and internationally. In fact, if you are the chosen candidate, you will be able to travel to Spain for some of your initial days in Valtria (expenses paid) to meet your future colleagues and receive professional training.
If the position interests you and you feel that you might be the right person for the position, fill out the job application from the link and include your CV as well. If necessary, please contact Experis Senior Consultant Juhani Äikäs, 040 5727 556, [email protected] for more information about the task. The application period is until 27.11.2022.
Experis on johto- ja asiantuntijatason rekrytointi- ja projektiratkaisuihin erikoistunut kansainvälinen yritys. Luomme uusia ura- ja kasvumahdollisuuksia osaaville yksilöille ja autamme asiakkaitamme saavuttamaan omat tavoitteensa nopeammin. Olemme erikoistuneet IT- ja insinöörialan sekä taloushallinnon, myynnin, markkinoinnin, viestinnän ja henkilöstöhallinnon osaamisalueisiin. Vuosittain etsimme asiakkaidemme avainpaikoille tuhansia alansa parhaita täsmä- ja erityisosaajia, esimiehiä ja johtajia. Experis on osa ManpowerGroupia.